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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Friends for Life (Kim and Dennis)

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman is tapping his friendship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to ask for the release of a Korean-American man sentenced to 15 years of hard labor in the North.

Rodman took to Twitter to issue his plea: I'm calling on the Supreme Leader of North Korea or as I call him "Kim", to do me a solid and cut Kenneth Bae loose," Rodman tweeted.

Rodman visited North Korea in February and sat next to Kim as they watched an exhibition basketball game. His trip came at a time of high tension between Pyongyang and Washington and was not endorsed by the U.S. State Department.

Bae is a tour operator who was arrested in North Korea in November. The North's Supreme Court sentenced him last week for unspecified "hostile acts" against the state. In a Foreign Ministry statement on Sunday, North Korea said the 44-year-old Washington state man entered the country with a disguised identity.
Bae is at least the sixth American detained in North Korea since 2009.
The others eventually were deported or released, some after trips to Pyongyang by prominent Americans, including former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.
Anyone else find it funny that these two guys are friends?( Life long) i mean seriously WTF haha! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fight To Be Unbound

Todays post I want to dig a little bit deeper in the concept. There are so many people in this world that have this belief within themselves that they are not good enough, or that they will never reach their goals. They are so afraid to fail. So obsessed with being perfect that they never take action.

There are so many limiting beliefs, and there are so many people that are actually believing them. These thoughts, these inner beliefs are nothing but LIES. They are nothing more than our own insecurities screaming out to us in order to STOP US from moving forward.

This world is filled with such a crazy amount of opportunity. Its all around us, its passing us by every moment and it's literally at our finger tips! But we are stopping ourselves from tapping into that opportunity. The scary part is that sometimes we are blind to the opportunity, and in many cases that is exactly what is happening. We don’t even see whats in front of us, literally blind by our limiting beliefs. How scary is that?

Just think about what is stopping you. Ask yourself; What are you afraid of? What do I believe about myself? Do I believe that I can do anything I put my mind to? If you do, then ask yourself if you actually believe it or if your just simply saying it.

What is stopping you?

I can tell you right now that no one in this world is stopping you from becoming the person you want to become. Not one person in this world is stopping you from setting and accomplishing your goals.

There also is not one person in this world that is going to do it for you. I will guarantee that its impossible for someone to set goals for you, and to do the work necessary to reach them. No one in this world can make you get out of the bed in the morning with a winning attitude. No one can change your mindset and your personal beliefs.

Its on you

Once you come to the realization about this and take personal responsibility for yourself, you start on the path of success. It's not until you take responsibility, until you get the power to change your life.

You have what it takes to succeed. Everything you need to make your dreams come true are already inside of you. All you need to do and is to take responsibility for your life, and take step after step after step towards your goals.

Be Inspired. Live Inspired & Inspire Others - From the Moon

Welcome To The Grind (Rise & Shine)

6 AM and your hand can’t make it to the alarm clock before the voices in your head start telling you that it’s too early, too dark and too cold to get out of bed. Aching muscles lie still in rebellion, pretending not to hear your brain commanding them to move.
A legion of voices are shouting their unanimous permission for you to hit the snooze button and go back to dreamland, but you didn’t ask their opinion. The voice you've chosen to listen to is one of defiance. The voice that said there was a reason you set that alarm in the first place, so sit up, put your feet on the floor and don’t look back because we've got work to do. 
Welcome to the Grind. 
For what is each day but a series of conflicts between the right way and the easy way. Ten thousand screams fan out like a river delta before you, each one promising the path of least resistance. 
Thing is, you are headed upstream. And when you make that choice, when you decide to turn your back on what’s comfortable, what’s safe and what someone call common sense. Well, that’s day one. 
From there it only gets tougher. So just make sure this is something you want because the easy way out will always be there, ready to wash you away. All you have to do is pick up your feet. 
But you aren't going to? Are you? 
With each step comes the decision to take another
You are on your way now but this is no time to do dwell on how far you’ve come
You are in a fight against an opponent you can’t see but all you can feel among your heels can’t you? 
Feel him breathing down your neck 
You know what that is?
That’s you.
Your fears, your doubts and insecurity all ends up like a firing squad ready to shoot you out of the sky; but don’t lose heart.
Although they are not easily defeated; they are far from invincible. 
Remember, this is the Grind, the battle royal between you and your mind, your body and the devil on your shoulder telling you this is just a game, this is just a waste of time, your opponents are stronger than you.
Drown out the voice of uncertainty with the sound of your own heartbeat.
Burn away your self-doubt with the fire lit is beneath you
Remember what you are fighting for and never forget that momentum is a cruel mistress. 
She could turn up a dime with the smallest mistake. She is ever searching for the weak place in your armor.
That one tiny thing you forgot to prepare for.
So as long as the devil is hiding the details, the question remains – Is that all you got? Are you sure?
When the answer is yes
When you’ve done all you can to prepare yourself for battle. Then it’s time to go forward and boldly face your enemy.
The Enemy within. 
Only now you must take that fight into the open, into hostile territory
You’re a lion in a field of lions. All hunting the same elusive prey with a desperate starvation that says victory is the only thing that can keep you alive.
So believe that voice that says you can run a little faster and you can throw a little harder and that for you the laws of physics are merely a suggestion.
Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe winning can happen by accident
Sweat on the other hand is for those who know it’s a choice.
So decide now because destiny waits for no man
And when your time comes and a thousand different voices are trying to tell you, you are not ready for it. 
Listen instead to that lone voice of the decent. 
The one that says that you’re ready, you’re prepared.
It’s all up to you now. 
So, Rise and Shine
 With Hard Work comes Great Success
From the Moon

Monday, May 6, 2013

Possible Region Wide War In Middle East. (World War 3?)

(CNN) -- What Syria asserts is Israel's launch of two air strikes on Damascus last week presents a marked and dangerous escalation of that country's involvement in the Syrian war.

Israel's intervention -- if confirmed -- also shows how the conflict has mutated from a political uprising to an internal armed struggle, and now to a regional war by proxy fiercely fought on Syria's killing fields. (Israel has a policy of refusing to confirm or deny attacks attributed to its military.)

The confrontation in Syria has become more complex, more perilous, and more difficult to resolve.
The Syrian struggle has not only spread into Syria's neighbors, like Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Turkey -- but has also become a battlefield wherein Israel and Iran are challenging each other.

The worst case scenario is" where Syria's conflict could erupt into a Region wide war including Iran, Israel, Turkey and other regional powers such as the united states. With Israels Deepening involvement into the conflict this is becoming a huge possibility of an all out war. From the Moon

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Laughing at my Nightmare

It’s sad that we can somehow get lost in our own little worlds and let the littlest things bother us, and let them bring us down. And in all reality if we compare ourselves to someone like Shane, who has all the right to hate the world, have it completely easy.

Shane is an absolute inspiration for me. He embodies the person who I want to be. Someone with enough character to not only accept his circumstances but to embrace them. He is truly living his purpose, which is to inspire people, to make them laugh, and to be an example for the rest of us.

 Shane made a conscious decision not to let his circumstances beat him down. He made a conscious decision to use what you think would bring him down as the very tool that would build him up.

Another thing I would like to point out, is the fact that he is using the internet as the medium to get his message out. That just goes to show you how powerful the internet is and how it gives people like Shane a fair shot at getting out his message.

Dont let life beat you down. Use your failures, fears and insecurities as the very things that give you power to take on any challenge. Use them as building blocks for the person you want to become.-From the Moon

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May Day Chaos around the Globe

After clashes broke out between protesters and security forces at the annual May Day march, Wednesday, May 1, 2013. In protests, parades, strikes and other demonstrations held in cities across the planet, activists lashed out at political and business leaders they allege have ignored workers' voices or enriched themselves at the expense of laborers during what has been a difficult few years for the global economy.
 Happening everywhere from the United States to Turkey Istanbul, England, France, Germany, Columbia. This is truly a world wide event.-From the Moon

Friday, May 3, 2013

Words of Wisdom From the President (kid president)

Robby Novak (born January 26, 2003), better known by the nickname Kid President, is an American comedian, motivational speaker, TED speaker ("Inspiring") and a YouTube sensation this kid has helped inspire thousands with his comedy approach lines such as "What will be you're space jam?"  or "not cool Robert Frost" Novak and his sister Alexia were born with a condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or Brittle Bone syndrome. Novak and Alexia were adopted by FHU (Foundation of Human Understanding) staff member David and his wife Laurie. He originates from the little Croatian region of MeÄ‘imurje. Novak's older sister Kristi is married to Brad Montague, the creative director of the FHU Office of Marketing and University Relations, and Filmmaker for the kid President.

“ overwhelmed and honored that so many have connected with Kid President. I hope it encourages others to take positive action in their lives,” “It is about empowering kids, helping them to have a voice. That’s what I hope these videos do. Hope you enjoy -From the Moon 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

747 Cargo Airplane Crash In Afghanistan Caught on Film

Seven Americans died Monday in a plane crash in Afghanistan and horrifying video has emerged of the 747 cargo plane’s apparent final moments in the air.
The video, shot on a vehicle’s dashboard camera, shows the 747 during takeoff before its nose pitches up and it starts to stall, suddenly plummeting to the ground on its belly and exploding into a giant fireball.

This was only a Cargo Plane, it carried Vehicles and General supplies and no passengers were on board. Only the crew, sadly all 7 of them died in the crash. The cause of the Airplane crash is undetermined as of now. The Taliban claims shooting down the plane but in the video i don't see any gunfire or rockets. so i believe it was just a malfunction of some kind or maybe the plane was to heavy there are many possibilities of what went wrong.

 -from the Moon  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Apply To Be One Of The First People To Live On Mars! (Always a Catch)

(CNN) -- Step right up and prove why you should get a one-way ticket to Mars! Well, wait -- you might want to know a little more about the venture first.
A Dutch company called Mars One began looking Monday for volunteer astronauts to fly to Mars. Departure for the Red Planet is scheduled for 2022, landing seven months later in 2023.                        
                                                                           ^Your Home^ One Of Them
The space travelers will return ... never. They will finish out their lives on Mars, representatives from the nonprofit said.
"It's likely that there will be a crematorium," said CEO Bas Lansdorp. "It's up to the people on Mars to decide what to do with their dead."
Still, the company said it has received more than 10,000 e-mails from interested People
                                                                                What would it take for you to live out the rest of your natural life on mars in a small area with no trees no lakes or oceans no scenery of any kind, nothing but orange red dirt everywhere that never ends. i'm honestly curious about answers from the public
 So please let me know what it would take for you to live the rest of your life on mars?-From The

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How Bad Do You Want It? (Success)

How much is success worth to you? Are you willing to work hard? are you going seek the best trainers/teachers? Are you willing to endure the pain success requires? Are you willing to drag yourself up from the bottom to the top and do whatever it takes? Are you willing to have faith in everything you do?
Great moments are Born from Great Opportunity -Herb Brooks

the options are endless. If you are willing to sacrifice you can achieve anything and everything. You can be an Inspiration to us all. No matter the situation you are in. There is always a way out of a hole. You just have to find it.  -From the Moon

                                                                   ^Powerful Video^

Japan and China Tension High over Islands.

(CNN)Hong Kong -- The fragile relationship between China and Japan came under fresh strain Tuesday as ships from both sides crowded into the waters around a disputed group of islands. The relationship between the two nations deteriorated severely in September, when the Japanese government bought several of the islands from a private owner, angering Chinese authorities and provoking a spate of sometimes violent anti-Japanese demonstrations in many Chinese cities.

Since then, the situation has calmed somewhat, but Chinese government ships have continued to frequently sail near the islands, engaging in maritime games of cat and mouse with Japanese Coast Guard vessels. Chinese planes have also flown through the area, prompting Japan to scramble fighter jets.
Both countries claim sovereignty over the remote, rocky islands, which are near important shipping lanes, rich fishing grounds and possible mineral deposits.
Japan currently administers the area, but since September, China has mounted a concerted campaign to try to change the situation.
It says its ships that enter the waters around the islands are conducting routine patrols of Chinese territory. But Japan says they are intruding in its territorial waters.
Japan and China are always at each others throats and to say this would irrupt into anything large would be a huge speculation. but to say this conflict will be solved soon is again a huge speculation. -From the Moon

Monday, April 29, 2013

(Inspirational) 9 year old boys arcade in east L.A

(CainesArcade)9-year-old Caine Monroy spent his summer vacation building an elaborate DIY cardboard arcade inside his dad’s used auto parts store, and asked people to play. The entire summer went by, and Caine had yet to have a single customer, until one day, a filmmaker named Nirvan Mullick stopped to buy a door handle. What happened next inspired this movie, and launched a movement to foster imagination and creativity in kids everywhere.

Caine's Arcade has helped inspire hundreds if not thousands of people to help in their communities and one another. from one simple act of kindness all of this story became available and helped to make a dream come true for a 9 year old boy.

imagine if we did random acts of kindness-From the Moon.  

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Modern Day Children Forced To Fight in Syria

(World News)Syria's child soldiers. As a fierce civil war rages on in Syria, Syrian rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad have sent children into combat and used boys as young as 14 to transport weapons and supplies, according to Human Rights Watch reports
                                                                       Watch Video^
 The use of Child Soldiers in Syria increases on both sides of the conflict. With neither side willing to let the other have any sort of edge in numbers. The civil war here is tearing the country apart, piece by piece, family by family.
With neither side willing to back down. Again things are getting worse in the middle east and pressure on the UN is at its peak. with pressure coming from Korea and Syria on matters of warfare.-From the Moon

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Its not about how much $Change$ you make. Its about how much of a ^Change^ you make.

Suli Breaks is a poet and an educated man with a dislike for the education system, not just the United States, but the entire worlds. He balances being funny and informative and tackles some of today's toughest issues: education, motivation, and Jobs. Without any hesitation and and fear. Without knowing he has started a revelation on the internet, and has thousands of followers. His poems and videos are known to have deep honesty that has never been seen before. He is truly an inspiration to the new age of poetry.- From the Moon

Friday, April 26, 2013

N + S Korea Tension on the rise again and at a all time high.

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- Troubled relations between North and South Korea suffered a fresh blow Friday after Seoul decided to withdraw all its remaining citizens from the manufacturing zone jointly operated by the two.
The televised announcement by South Korean Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae followed North Korea's dismissal of a request for talks about the deteriorating situation at Kaesong Industrial Complex.
Pyongyang halted activity at the complex this month amid heightened tensions in the region.
The South Koreans' imminent departure bodes ill for the future of the zone, the last major symbol of cooperation between the two countries. It had continued to operate throughout previous inter-Korean tensions during the past eight years
This is a huge blow to finding a peaceful solution in Korea. This Zone was neutral ground for the Korean  Peninsula, where both sides worked with each other and I'm afraid it wont be neutral ground for long. something is brewing in Korea and i don't think its a good brew. Its only a matter of time before it becomes a mess-From the Moon

Thursday, April 25, 2013

(Inspiration) No Arms, No Legs, No Problem.

(Oddee) Nick Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia with Tetra-Amelia disorder: limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, and having one small foot with two toes protruding from his left thigh. Despite not having limbs, he is doing surf and swimming, and playing golf and soccer. Nick graduated from college at the age of 21 with a double major in Accounting and Financial  Planning. He travels around as a motivational speaker.
 This guy is the definition of inspiring. he has no arms or legs, and yet lives his life to the fullest. He explains that
negativity and anger accomplishes nothing. that we are all put in situations (Good or Bad) that test our character. what we take from these tests is what defines us as certain individuals. if only all people had this outlook on life. It would  be a better place for us all. In my book nick you are taller then all of us.-From the Moon

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Eight Story Building Crumbles and Kills Hundreds. (Bangladesh)

Dhaka, Bangladesh (CNN) -- An eight-story building collapsed Wednesday morning on the outskirts of the Bangladeshi capital, killing at least 123 people and injuring hundreds, a police official said.
Broken concrete and twisted metal stuck out from the massive pile of rubble, where rescuers dug by hand to reach trapped workers. Dhaka District Police Chief Habibur Rahman said search efforts were continuing. It was unclear how many people were trapped in the ruins.
Video from the scene showed injured victims being whisked away on stretchers and crews carrying limp bodies from the rubble. Some onlookers wept while others frantically searched for missing loved ones.
Many workers in the building, said they saw a crack appear in the building yesterday, before the building collapsed. Managers told workers at first to prepare to not show up for work today. later the factory owners revised the order and said it was safe to work. Many workers were hesitant but showed up for work, afraid of losing their jobs, and many of them lost much more then that. Mangers of the building were not able to comment on their costly mistake.we will not know the number of dead for some time.-From the Moon

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chemical weapons being used in Syria. On its own people.

CNN) -- The Syrian government is using chemical weapons against rebel forces, the head of the Israel Defense Forces' intelligence research and analysis division said Tuesday.
"In all likelihood, they used sarin gas," Brig. Gen. Itai Brun said at a conference in Tel Aviv. This comes as a civil war between the government and rebels rages across Syria, which borders Israel.
"One of the main characteristics of the recent events in Syria is the increasing use of ground-to-ground missiles, rockets and chemical weapons by the Syrian regime," Brun said, according to quotes provided by the IDF.
"According to our professional assessment, the regime has used deadly chemical weapons against armed rebels on a number of occasions in the past few months. For instance, on March 19, 2013, victims suffered from shrunken pupils, foaming from the mouth and other symptoms which indicate the use of deadly chemical weapons. The type of chemical weapons was likely sarin, as well as neutralizing and nonlethal chemical weapons."
 ( NPRBritish, French and Israeli officials say they have evidence that the Syrian government repeatedly used chemical weapons against civilians. Though the U.S. hasn't confirmed the allegations, the Obama administration previously said that the use of chemical weapons could provoke a stronger response.

Syria is on the war path, and this is scary for its people. The country has been war torn for the past decade, and things are just getting worse in the civil war. The government is using chemical weapons, to battle the rebels and its own people. that wont get you the respect you seek, Syria your people are just getting more and more upset.  i fear for the future of this country. -From the Moon

Monday, April 22, 2013

Scottish Man a Hero known as the Good Giraffe.

NEWSER– While sitting on the toilet, a jobless Scottish man had an idea: Why not dress as a giraffe and do good deeds for people? Now, Armstrong Baillie has developed a reputation as the Good Giraffe, and as said animal he's done kindnesses like cleaning beaches, giving runners bananas, and watching a dog for the day.
(GoodworldnewsBy day, he is a normal man, but by night, he jumps in a giraffe costume and does good deeds for random people!  Super-giraffe?  Well he actually calls himself "The Good Giraffe".
Armstrong Baillie is his name, and good deeds is his game.  “I busk during the week, playing the drums and kazoo dressed as The Good Giraffe. Then I use the money I get from busking to do good things for people.", Armstrong describes in an interview with The Sun.He does nice simple things for people.  Armstrong has purchased coffee for people, cleaned up beaches, and handed out water bottles to runners.  He has also dropped off toys to kids in hospitals.  These good deeds have given him worldwide attention.
This guy is Crazy cool who has the idea to go around helping people as a giraffe In Scotland. he does what he can do and it may not be much but to some people but to others a little can go along way. he spends his his days playing drums on the street for small change then uses that money to help random people. how cool is this guy?-From the Moon
