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Monday, April 22, 2013

Scottish Man a Hero known as the Good Giraffe.

NEWSER– While sitting on the toilet, a jobless Scottish man had an idea: Why not dress as a giraffe and do good deeds for people? Now, Armstrong Baillie has developed a reputation as the Good Giraffe, and as said animal he's done kindnesses like cleaning beaches, giving runners bananas, and watching a dog for the day.
(GoodworldnewsBy day, he is a normal man, but by night, he jumps in a giraffe costume and does good deeds for random people!  Super-giraffe?  Well he actually calls himself "The Good Giraffe".
Armstrong Baillie is his name, and good deeds is his game.  “I busk during the week, playing the drums and kazoo dressed as The Good Giraffe. Then I use the money I get from busking to do good things for people.", Armstrong describes in an interview with The Sun.He does nice simple things for people.  Armstrong has purchased coffee for people, cleaned up beaches, and handed out water bottles to runners.  He has also dropped off toys to kids in hospitals.  These good deeds have given him worldwide attention.
This guy is Crazy cool who has the idea to go around helping people as a giraffe In Scotland. he does what he can do and it may not be much but to some people but to others a little can go along way. he spends his his days playing drums on the street for small change then uses that money to help random people. how cool is this guy?-From the Moon

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