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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fight To Be Unbound

Todays post I want to dig a little bit deeper in the concept. There are so many people in this world that have this belief within themselves that they are not good enough, or that they will never reach their goals. They are so afraid to fail. So obsessed with being perfect that they never take action.

There are so many limiting beliefs, and there are so many people that are actually believing them. These thoughts, these inner beliefs are nothing but LIES. They are nothing more than our own insecurities screaming out to us in order to STOP US from moving forward.

This world is filled with such a crazy amount of opportunity. Its all around us, its passing us by every moment and it's literally at our finger tips! But we are stopping ourselves from tapping into that opportunity. The scary part is that sometimes we are blind to the opportunity, and in many cases that is exactly what is happening. We don’t even see whats in front of us, literally blind by our limiting beliefs. How scary is that?

Just think about what is stopping you. Ask yourself; What are you afraid of? What do I believe about myself? Do I believe that I can do anything I put my mind to? If you do, then ask yourself if you actually believe it or if your just simply saying it.

What is stopping you?

I can tell you right now that no one in this world is stopping you from becoming the person you want to become. Not one person in this world is stopping you from setting and accomplishing your goals.

There also is not one person in this world that is going to do it for you. I will guarantee that its impossible for someone to set goals for you, and to do the work necessary to reach them. No one in this world can make you get out of the bed in the morning with a winning attitude. No one can change your mindset and your personal beliefs.

Its on you

Once you come to the realization about this and take personal responsibility for yourself, you start on the path of success. It's not until you take responsibility, until you get the power to change your life.

You have what it takes to succeed. Everything you need to make your dreams come true are already inside of you. All you need to do and is to take responsibility for your life, and take step after step after step towards your goals.

Be Inspired. Live Inspired & Inspire Others - From the Moon

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